‘An excellent, happy school, where we enjoy learning’
Design and Technology (D&T) is a practical subject aiming to develop children’s capabilities to design and make products that not only work well, but that also respond to identified needs. D&T shows how products are created for a real context and situation. It develops the skills, knowledge and understanding of our children in the processes of design.
The breadth of our D&T curriculum is designed with three goals in mind:
DATA states how providing opportunities for pupils to enhance and develop capabilities, design skills and the knowledge to support creativity and final high-quality products is the underlying ethos of design and technology. Using their explicit project planning boards, this will give way to supply both teachers and children with the best building blocks for good practice throughout their learning. Aligning with our local curriculum, we will be able to meet local needs and interests.
Our Values in Design and Technology
Collaboration | Respect |
Aspirations | Positivity |
Implementation - How Do We Deliver the Design and Technology Curriculum?
Our Design and Technology Curriculum design is based on Chris Quigley Essentials Curriculum. and is underpinned by the curriculum drivers. Our curriculum is a year group specific programme which covers all design and technology areas from Early Years to Key Stage One.
There are four main areas which run through every phase of our school. These are colour coded on the roadmap supporting the children’s use during lessons and at home with their families. They are: Structures, Cooking and Nutrition, Mechanical Systems and Textiles.
This is how our curriculum is organised:
Block 1 – Modelling Opportunities (Find and create using joins)
Block 2 – Cooking Opportunities (Observations of ingredients changing)
Block 3 – Mechanical Opportunities (Mechanical equipment and how things work)
Block 4 – Textiles Opportunities (Investigating different materials and joining techniques)
Block 1 – Modelling Opportunities (Strengthening joining techniques)
Block 2 – Cooking Opportunities (Strengthening knowledge of change, specifically with heating and cooling)
Block 3 – Mechanical Opportunities (Mechanical equipment and designing)
Block 4 – Textiles Opportunities (Investigating different materials and joining techniques)
Year 1:
Block 1 – Structures (Houses – Build a house for a squirrel)
Block 2 – Cooking and Nutrition (Gingerbread People – To share with family at a teddy bear’s picnic)
Block 3 – Mechanical Systems (Moving pictures – Superhero Sliders)
Year 2:
Block 1 – Mechanical Systems (Moving vehicles – Cars to take to Nursery)
Block 2 – Cooking and Nutrition (Fruit salads – To keep us healthy)
Block 3 – Textiles (A bedtime outfit for a cuddly toy)
As the children progress into KS2 (Year 3-6), they build on the skills covered in KS1 and develop further aspects of mechanical systems, structures, textiles, food. They also start to apply their learning in science through applying their electricity knowledge to a design project. In working this way the children work and develop their understanding throughout the primary phase.
| Nursery | Reception | Year 1 | Year 2 |
Cooking and Nutrition *CAD = Computer Aided Design
| Cooking Opportunities Use ingredients and look how things change. Declarative knowledge: -Know that ingredients can change how a food item looks. -Know that there are different tools to use with different ingredients. Procedural knowledge: -Know how put ingredients together to make a food item. -Know how to use simple tools and ingredients. Vocabulary: Whisk, bowl, spoon, fork, jug, egg, microwave, turn, beat, hot, cookery books, apron, milk, oven, cut, sift, mix, cook, sprinkle, hob, grate, heat, slice, poor, chop, knead, blend, cooker, weigh, crumble, melt, stir. | Cooking Opportunities Use ingredients and look how things change when heated or cooled using a simple ingredient. CAD* Design a meal or a recipe. Declarative knowledge: -Know that some ingredients can change when you heat or cool them. -Know that a recipe can be followed to make a food item. Procedural knowledge: -Know how to follow a recipe to make a food item. -Know how to heat and cool ingredients. Vocabulary: Whisk, bowl, spoon, fork, jug, egg, microwave, turn, beat, hot, cookery books, apron, milk, oven, cut, sift, mix, cook, sprinkle, hob, grate, heat, slice, poor, chop, knead, blend, cooker, weigh, crumble, melt, stir. | Gingerbread People Design and make their own gingerbread people. Declarative knowledge: -Know that Jamie Oliver is a food designer and entrepreneur. -Know that basic food hygiene is important when working with food. -Know that a range of fruit and vegetables can be farmed or grown at home. Procedural knowledge: -Know how to use basic cooking utensils. -Know how to follow a recipe to make an item of food/product. -Know how to evaluate existing products, their own and make improvements using their own ideas. Vocabulary: Fruit and vegetable names, the names of equipment and utensils, soft, juicy, crunchy, sweet, sticky, smooth, sharp, crisp, sour, hard, flesh, skin, seed, pip, core, slicing, peeling, cutting, squeezing, healthy diet, choosing, ingredients, planning, investigating, tasting, arranging, popular, design, evaluate, criteria. | Soup Design and prepare their own soup. Declarative knowledge: -Know that Heston Blumenthal is a food designer and entrepreneur. -Know that basic food hygiene is important when working with food. -Know that different ingredients create different tastes, including when mixed. Procedural knowledge: -Know how to use different utensils to make soup. -Know how to evaluate existing products, their own and make improvements using the design criteria. -Know how to use their senses when making design decisions. Vocabulary: Fruit and vegetable names, the names of equipment and utensils, soft, juicy, crunchy, sweet, sticky, smooth, sharp, crisp, sour, hard, flesh, skin, seed, pip, core, slicing, peeling, cutting, squeezing, healthy diet, choosing, ingredients, planning, investigating, tasting, arranging, popular, design, evaluate, criteria.
| Nursery | Reception | Year 1 | Year 2 |
Structures | Modelling Opportunities Using found materials and construction materials to build and make. Use simple tools and joining methods. Declarative knowledge: -Know that materials can be joined in different ways. -Know that there are different tools to join materials. Procedural knowledge: -Know how to work like a designer. -Know how to use simple tools and joining methods. Vocabulary: Stack, build, attach, make, house, skyscraper, road, brick, concrete, builder, construction worker, scaffolding, hard hat, fold, stick, cut, glue, tape, tie, tabs, scissors, split pin, materials, joining. | Modelling Opportunities Use a range of materials to build and make. Learning techniques to join materials. Declarative knowledge: -Know that materials can be joined in different ways. -Know that there are different tools to join materials. Procedural knowledge: -Know how to work like a designer. -Know how to use simple tools and joining methods. Vocabulary: Stack, build, assemble, construct, produce, house, skyscraper, road, brick, concrete, monument, architect, builder, construction worker, scaffolding, hard hat, fold, stick, cut, glue, tape, tie, tabs, scissors, split pin, materials, joining. | Building Designs Design and construct simple animal shelters. Declarative knowledge: -Know that Norman Foster is a key designer in design history. -Know that there is a purpose for structures. -Know that different materials can be used to make structures. Procedural knowledge: -Know how to measure join parts together to create a basic structure. -Know how to make structures strong/stronger and more stable. -Know how to evaluate their product/project and where to make improvements. Vocabulary: Cut, fold, join, fix, structure, wall, tower, framework, weak, strong, base, top, underneath, side, edge, surface, thinner, thicker, corner, point, straight, curved, metal, wood, plastic, circle, triangle, square, rectangle, cuboid, cube, cylinder, design, make, evaluate, user, purpose, ideas, design criteria, product, function.
| Building Designs Although this strand is not officially covered within our year 2 breadth, the knowledge, and skills along with the theoretical information is woven across other subjects i.e., historic buildings in geography and history. The children also have many opportunities to build and learn through play, getting the chance to reference their knowledge of structures throughout the year. |
| Nursery | Reception | Year 1 | Year 2 |
Mechanical Systems *CAD = Computer Aided Design | Mechanical opportunities Exploration of mechanical equipment such as, wind-up toys, pulleys, sets of cogs with pegs and boards. Declarative knowledge: -Know that parts work together. -Know that pieces of equipment fit together like puzzle pieces. Procedural knowledge: -Know how to move equipment so that the design works. -Know how mechanical toys work through exploration. Vocabulary: Mechanism, pivot, point, fixed, link, lever, pulley, gears, rotation, motor, belt, system, circuit, on, off. | Mechanical opportunities Exploration of mechanical equipment such as, levers, wheels, and axles on toys. Declarative knowledge: -Know that parts can link together to create a working system. -Know that there are different types of mechanisms. Procedural knowledge: -Know how to move equipment so that the design works. -Know how mechanical toys work through exploration. Vocabulary: Mechanism, pivot, point, fixed, link, lever, pulley, gears, rotation, motor, belt, system, circuit, on, off. | Moving Pictures Design and create a moving picture. CAD* Design a superhero. Declarative knowledge: -Know that James Dyson is a successful designer and inventor. -Know that different mechanisms produce different types of movement. -Know that using a design criteria will make their project more successful. Procedural knowledge: -Know how to explore sliders and levers. -Know how to create a prototype, using their own design ideas. -Know how to evaluate a mechanism against their own likes/dislikes. Vocabulary: Slider, lever, pivot, slot, bridge/guide, card, CAD, masking tape, paper fastener, join, pull, push, up, down, straight, curve, forwards, backwards, design, make, evaluate, user, purpose, ideas, design criteria, product, function.
| Moving Vehicles Design and make a simple vehicle. CAD* Design the shell for a car. Declarative knowledge: -Know that James Dyson as a key designer. -Know that there is a purpose for mechanical systems. -Know that CAD can be used as a design process and a finishing technique. Procedural knowledge: -Know how to use CAD as a design process and a finishing technique. -Know how to make prototypes from different materials/equipment. -Know how to evaluate their product and make improvements using a design criteria. Vocabulary: Vehicle, wheel, axle, axle holder, CAD, chassis, body, cab, assembling, cutting, joining, shaping, finishing, net, shell, fixed, free, moving, mechanism, names of tools and equipment, materials, design, make, evaluate, purpose, user, criteria, functional. |
| Nursery | Reception | Year 1 | Year 2 |
Textiles | Textiles opportunities Investigate different materials and joining techniques. Declarative knowledge: -Know that they can use different materials. -Know that different materials have different textures. -Know how to use their senses to investigate different materials and textures. -Know how to join different materials together. Vocabulary: Material, join, pattern, print, tape measure, thread, wool, embroidery, fabric. | Textiles opportunities Investigate different materials and joining techniques. Declarative knowledge: -Know that different materials can be joined together to finish designs. -Know that a design is linked to a user. -Know how to join materials together using more than one joining technique. -Know how to evaluate what a user would need from a design. Vocabulary: Material, join, pattern, print, tape measure, thread, wool, embroidery, fabric, cotton, denim, dye, fastening, skit, tie-dye, weave, linen. | Textiles Although this strand is not officially covered within our year 1 breadth, the children come across certain skills to support their development within textiles i.e., threading, materials in science or role play within continuous provision. | A Toy’s Outfit Design and make an outfit for a cuddly toy. Declarative knowledge: -Know that Laura Ashely was a vital designer in the textiles and fashion industry. -Know that simple 3D textile products can be made from different materials. -Know that there are multiple joining and finishing techniques. Procedural knowledge: -Know how to investigate different products, identifying potential users. -Know how to use different materials for specific design choices, alongside a design criteria. -Know how to use different joining and finishing techniques when designing and making a product. Vocabulary: Names of existing products, joining and finishing techniques, tools, fabrics and components, template, pattern pieces, mark out, join, decorate, finish, features, suitability, quality, mock-up, design brief, design criteria, make, evaluate, user, purpose, function. |
The ‘threshold concepts’ are what pupils should understand and the skills they should develop. In design and technology, these are returned to again and again across all year groups, they are what develops the designing and making skills. These include:
This returning to the same thing again and again is called interleaving.
The detailed progression can be found in the document below.
Design and Technology Curriculum Pathway and Progression Map
Special Educational Needs and Design Technology
How do we ensure all children can access Design Technology lessons?
Although a child may have been identified as having a special educational need, they may not have a special educational need in Design Technology. Effective quality first teaching is the key to enabling all children to participate and develop their design and technological knowledge and skills. Differentiation within lessons is a vital component to ensure that a balance of support and challenge are achieved for all abilities. This is the same in every subject and differentiation is adjusted as expectations of individual pupils rise through progress.
Challenge and support specific to Design Technology may include:
• varying the types of equipment used
• first hand experiences - e.g. when using specific skills
• some pre-teaching as well as using more advanced vocabulary
• providing picture clues and definitions for those needing more support
• pupil knowledge organisers
Pupils not secure within a lesson sequence are noted and adjustments made to the differentiation or level of support given. Similarly, added challenge is given if pupils are identified as requiring it. This may be noted by the teacher through questioning or the use of written work. Using an interleaving approach means that pupils continually revisit their learning, gradually building a deeper understanding.
Links to Other Subjects
Subject | How Design and Technology may be linked |
English | Stories: Often used to give a context for the children, as well as moving picture books in our leavers and linkages topic. Communication: Children learn to communicate their technological language. Vocabulary: Technological vocabulary is taught to the children and this helps them to develop what we call tier three vocabulary. Writing: As children progress through school, they will start to communicate what they have learnt in writing. Some of the content for Design and Technology may be used to stimulate writing in English. |
Maths | Measures: Using the knowledge of measures is really important in Design and Technology, enabling children to be able to select the appropriately sized equipment as well as being able to weigh out ingredients for food technology. |
Science | Famous Designers: Whilst we do not study a scientist in design and technology, the children may touch on some famous architects such as Norman Foster and how he had to consider certain materials to make his design successful. Learning from design: Our topics on mechanisms are an excellent example of STEM learning. |
Geography | Food and nutrition: Making Gingerbread – Market Drayton is known as ‘the home of the Gingerbread’ Structure – We look at some famous architectural designs from around the world. |
Art | Van Gogh: The children look at Van Gogh and his painting of Yellow House, the children look at the design and structure of this within the painting. |
History | Great Fire of London: The children explore houses and what was wrong with the design and structure of the houses during this time.
Homework and Home Learning
Parents are made aware of the work being studied in Design Technology through the homework packs that are sent home from school. These packs contain what is being covered each week, and clearly outlines the progression of skills in each lesson.
Parents are also directed to the pupil knowledge organisers that contain further information, including key vocabulary should they wish to discuss this at home as a pre-teaching activity, or a follow up activity after the lesson at school.
Impact - How Do We Help Children Get to a Deep Level of Understanding?
Through the explicit teaching of skills in Design and Technology, both the teachers and the pupils assess their learning continuously throughout the lesson. To help children get to a deep level of understanding we return to the threshold concepts again and again.
Children develop each concept over time and it takes a two-year period to get to a deeper level of understanding at the appropriate age. For example, in Year 1, children will have a basic understanding of design and technology at an age appropriate level, but by revisiting this they should have a deeper level of understanding and have developed their skills by Year 2.
Pupil Voice
Take a look at some of our learning