‘An excellent, happy school, where we enjoy learning’
The primary PE and sport premium was implemented in September 2013 to improve the provision of physical education and school sport in primary schools across England and schools since then have used the Youth Sport Trust Quality Mark to examine their whole offer including the impact of PE, school sport and physical activity on development of the whole child and school improvement. This has more recently been aligned to the Ofsted framework and encourages you to ensure these offers remain consistent. We, as a school, believed high quality physical education was key. We felt that a positive, engaging teaching and learning experience in curriculum PE will lead to a desire to have healthy active lifestyles and that participation in school sport will follow with Physical Education being the key to excite all young people in physical activity and unlock potential.
The Quality Mark comprises a series of straightforward benchmarking statements, where you can select your level of provision as Emerging (Bronze), Established (Silver) or Embedded (Gold).
We initially used the Sports Premium money to employ a PE specialist to restructure the whole school PE curriculum. We believe that competitive sport is a ‘right’ for every pupil – we offer a wide range of extracurricular sports clubs and are fully engaged in School Games competitions, achieving the School Games Mark Gold as early as 2015. This award was originally developed for Key Stage 2 within Primary but with strong leadership we adapted the same strategies for Key Stage 1. Our vision is that ‘Every Teacher is a Teacher of PE’. To achieve this, we invested funds to offer high quality CPD as a whole school and led Cluster CPD through the local School Sport Partnership. We are very proud of the sustainable developments we have made both within our school and in our local area. We are annually using our funding to reflect and challenge our provision, to ensure PE is making a positive difference to all pupils and impacting across whole school priorities.
We believe -
• ALL pupils to be physically literate.
• ALL pupils to have the knowledge, skills and motivation necessary to equip them for a lifelong healthy lifestyle.
• ALL pupils have the potential to participate in lifelong physical activity and sport.
• PE is considered a CORE subject by ALL staff.
• PE is a driver for WHOLE SCHOOL improvement.