
Market Drayton Infant & Nursery School

‘An excellent, happy school, where we enjoy learning’


Welcome to Market Drayton Infant and Nursery School

Part of

Empower Trust

We are a busy but friendly school, with lots going on. This website aims to give you a taster of the school, as well as providing up to date information for parents, pupils and the wider community.


We hope that you enjoy your visit to our website, and that you find the information you are looking for. Please feel free to contact the school direct with any queries you may have.


Welcome from the Executive Headteacher

Market Drayton Infant and Nursery School offers a safe and secure environment that aims to support all aspects of a child's development; learners within it are emotionally secure and from this they can achieve their full potential.

We constantly aim to raise standards in learning and teaching.

I believe that all children, staff and members of the school community should achieve their potential and this is what we strive for in our school; learning is for life and we aim to encourage lifelong learning. 

​Only twenty percent of a child's learning takes place within a school environment; it is therefore important that we work in close partnership with parents in order to develop children fully. 

This website aims to give you practical guidance, curriculum information and further information about the school as whole.  Please refer to it regularly as it is one of the main sources of information about the school and do not hesitate to contact the school if you cannot find the information that you are looking for.  I would also be delighted to show you around the school providing any further information you require.

​Samantha Scott 

Executive Headteacher


Here are some of our whole school achievements we are really proud of....

Wellbeing Award

At Market Drayton Infant and Nursery School, Wellbeing is a priority for us. Stakeholders worked together over an 18 month period to develop policies and practices right across the school. Further information of the development of this award can be found under the Curriculum Page, PSHE. 

Wellbeing Assessor Final Report

Green Flag Award


Parliamentary Review
