‘An excellent, happy school, where we enjoy learning’
Welcome and School Tours for families starting in one of our Reception classes this September.
A very warm welcome to all our new families and pupils who will be joining one of our Reception classes in September.
Further information relating to uniform, school lunches along with useful new starter information will be sent to you electronically next week along with a registration form that we will require you to complete and return to us by 14th June.
For those who don’t currently attend our Nursery, if not already done so, our staff will be in touch to make arrangements to visit children in their current settings, if they attending one.
New Reception Parents Meeting via Microsoft TEAMs
Wednesday 26th June at 5:00pm. A joining link will be shared with you nearer the time.
Induction/Taster Days (you child will be invited to attend one of these)
Monday 8th July or Tuesday 9th July. This will be communicated to you once we have finalised the classes.
Come along to meet the staff and take a guided tour of our school.
Here you will have the opportunity to ask any specific questions you may have regarding your son or daughter with a member of our senior leadership team.
Our tour dates are:
Tuesday 11th June @ 10:00am, 2:00pm & 4:30pm
Thursday 13th June @ 10:00am, 2:00pm & 4:30pm
For parents of pupils currently attending the onsite Nursery ONLY
Wednesday 19th June @ 9:00am (prior to N2 Sports Day which starts at 9:30am)
Wednesday 19th June @ 1:00pm (prior to N2 Sports Day which starts at 1:30pm)
Please book on via the QR code below or the following link - https://forms.office.com/e/6srMdVsmuG
Should you have any questions in the meantime, please do not hesitate to pop in and talk to or contact Louise, Jo or Louise in the Business Support Team