‘An excellent, happy school, where we enjoy learning’
In Personal Development we want to give all children the opportunity to succeed and achieve. This is divided in to three main areas:
- Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education (PSHE)
- Relationships and Health Education (RHE) where children learn the skills and knowledge to keep themselves safe
- Mental Health and Wellbeing where through a range of experiences, development of skills and attributes we will ensure the children can go on to live a happy, healthy and safe life.
We believe that all children will be the best they can be and the main driver for our curriculum is ‘reach for the stars’ which is why we have an ambitious curriculum that challenges the children to develop key life skills such as collaboration, perseverance, resilience, revising and questioning.
The breadth of our Personal Development curriculum is designed with three goals in mind:
Our Values in Personal Development
Collaboration | Respect |
Aspirations | Positivity |
Supporting Pupils with Special Educational Needs (SEND) in Personal Development
SEND and disadvantaged children will have full access to the curriculum which fits with the school aims. It is important to note, that because a pupil has been identified as having SEND, this does not mean that they will require a different curriculum to the majority of pupils. However, we recognise that at times pupils will require additional support to access the curriculum. This is supported further with the PSHE planning framework for pupils with SEND.
The Planning Framework is organised into six sections:
1. Self-Awareness (Me, who I am, my likes, dislikes, strengths and interests)
2. Self-care, Support and Safety (Looking after myself and keeping safe; aspects of Relationships and Sex Education.)
3. Managing Feelings (Understanding feelings, and that how I feel and how others feel affects choices and behaviour; aspects of Relationships and Sex Education)
4. Changing and Growing (How I and others are changing; new opportunities and responsibilities; aspects of Relationships and Sex Education)
5. Healthy Lifestyles (Being and keeping healthy, physically and mentally)
6. The World I Live In (Living confidently in the wider world)
Whilst these cross over with the main framework, they will support individual needs for those who need additional support in one of the above areas.
We continuously assess the implementation and impact of our Personal Development curriculum in order to achieve the highest outcomes possible across all year groups and ensure we provide the support that is necessary for all children to achieve. Through our curriculum, we believe we can enhance children’s education and help them to become caring, respectful, responsible and confident individuals and citizens.
Link to other subjects
Subject | How Maths may be linked |
Maths | Problem Solving: Through our approach to maths children can apply the skills of perseverance, revising and collaboration that children develop in our PSHE curriculum. |
English | Stories: We love to share stories and often we link these to an area within PSHE to start a discussion or explore an idea. Communication: Children learn to communicate effectively to share our knowledge and ideas sensitively and respectful in a range of contexts. Vocabulary: Vocabulary associated with PSHE and RHE is taught within a safe environment that allows children to develop an understanding and confidence to use these words appropriately. Writing: As we move through the school, we start to communicate what we have learnt in writing, where appropriate. This helps us to show we have ‘mastered’ our learning and we are able to explain it to someone else. |
Science | Investigations: We use our knowledge of teamwork and collaboration to work together, take on role and to help us carry out a science investigation. Ourselves: We link our learning about our bodies, healthy lifestyles and a well-balanced diet to understand the impact this has on each of us. |
History | Historical figures: Through our exploration of key historical people we develop respect and understanding of different countries and cultures, by asking questions and using resources to explore. |
Geography | Respect: When exploring the world around us it is important to make observations and draw conclusions from what we see and learn. We become respectful of the environment and people around us to develop our knowledge of being a global citizen. Safety: Through our curriculum we learn about keeping ourselves safe on trips, around water and the roads. Thinking about the physical and human features of the world around us. |
Art | Artists: Through exploring the work of Clarice Cliff and Van Gogh we learn to discuss our thoughts and feelings about other people’s work. We can share our likes and dislikes and develop acceptance that everyone has different opinions and we should respect these.
Design Technology | Cookery: This enables children to think carefully about how they complete activities safely and responsibly, using knifes, cookers and preparing food. Construction and Structures: This links to children using equipment safely and allows children to develop skills which can be used in the wider world. |
PE | Healthy Lifestyle: To ensure we have good mental health and wellbeing we take part in the daily mile and 2 PE lessons a week. We love to challenge ourselves to run further and celebrate the success of each individual. Through regular physical activity we build life-long skills and attitudes that will help us be active for life. |
ICT | Perseverance: We learn how to use equipment respectfully and safely Internet Safety: We learn how to keep ourselves and others safe through the use of ICT. We learn where to go for help and how to report issues. We also learn about the importance of talking to others virtually with the respect we would face to face. |
Music | Listening to music: This helps us build respect and understanding for other cultures. Making music: Children learn how to respond to and create their own music, giving positive and constructive feedback in a safe environment. |