
Market Drayton Infant & Nursery School

‘An excellent, happy school, where we enjoy learning’


Welcome to our Governors’ section

Please find below details of how our Governing body is structured, including the names, categories, responsibilities and terms of appointment for each Governor.

The Local Governing Body - what we do:

We work to make sure everything is in place so that children can do their best learning.

  • We agree the overall vision for the school and support the vision of the trust; its strategic direction, its policies, and its plans for improvement
  • We monitor and evaluate the school's work and its pupils' achievements
  • We are accountable for progress at school to parents and the wider school community
  • We help to oversee the financial performance of the school and make sure its money is well spent.

Individual governors visit school to attend parents' events, to inform themselves about progress with specific aspects of the school improvement plan and to help support the school in a range of ways.  We help to make strategic decisions about the school as a group at our termly meeting. The meetings have an annual programme which includes monitoring performance and improvement, whole school and specific budgets such as Pupil Premium and Sports funding and reviewing and updating some school based policies.  

Operational management of the school is the responsibility of the Headteacher and her staff. We support her in helping to set the overall direction and 'learning culture' of the school, in line with the school's values and aims, and focussed on establishing high expectations, promoting effective teaching and learning, and raising standards of achievement.

Towards the end of the summer term each year, we evaluate our performance as a governing body, and its impact. Governors evaluate the performance of their chair. We also publish as a newsletter for parents a concise summary of key issues for governors during the previous academic year, including challenges and achievements which illustrate the impact of our work.  You will see a link to the latest summary at the top of this page.
