
Market Drayton Infant & Nursery School

‘An excellent, happy school, where we enjoy learning’

Learn It Homework - Fluency Progression

One of the main aims of the Maths National Curriculum is for  children to be able to recall number facts fluently and then use these to solve other calculations.

This booklet will guide you through your child’s learning from  Reception to the end of Year 2.

In each term 1 new step will be taught during maths lessons which means for a child who is working through their learning as ’expected’ will have completed the following by the end of:       Reception they will have completed STEP 1, 2, 3
Year One they will have completed STEP 4, 5, 6
Year Two they will have completed STEP 7, 8, 9


A ‘Learn It’ fact is a number fact that is learnt so well that it can be recalled instantly. In school you may hear us saying to children ‘make it pop’. They should know these facts as quick as they can say their name. Eventually there should be no fingers needed.

Alongside addition facts we expect children to know the related subtraction facts. Similarly for multiplication facts they should know related division facts

When learning at home with your child, make it fun and practical. We want your child to love maths as much as we do! Remember you also have the learn it wallets to help your child practise with flash cards at home. 


Learn It Homework Booklet
